LMHC (Laboratory Manual Harmonisation Committee) is a global gem laboratory organization established to integrate gem identification terminology.
Download information sheets (IS) from the LMHC website.
We concluded an agreement with HRD in Antwerp, Belgium. Since opening our Antwerp branch we have been able to obtain the latest information on Antwerp where many of the world's diamonds circulate and exchange information with HRD.
In 2011 we concluded a technical alliance with the Gem and Jewelry Institute of Thailand, a public institution in Thailand. In addition, we are the only company to enter LMHC (Laboratory Manual Harmonization Committee), an organization comprised of the world's seven gem laboratories. We are always looking to gather and integrate information and share it with the world.
This is how CGL shares necessary information with laboratories around the world to keep up with the times and CGL is committed to research and new services that incorporates this new information.
LMHC (Laboratory Manual Harmonisation Committee) is a global gem laboratory organization established to integrate gem identification terminology.
Download information sheets (IS) from the LMHC website.